# Contributing - Please ensure that all code conforms to the [PEP 8 Standards](https://peps.python.org/pep-0008/). You should feel free to leverage tools such as [`black`](https://github.com/psf/black). - All objects must include detailed docstrings that conform to [PEP 257](https://peps.python.org/pep-0257/). - All commits should be signed, see this [Github article](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/managing-commit-signature-verification/signing-commits). - Only work off the `dev` branch, and create branches for each aspect of the project that you are working on. You do not need to create a new branch for each feature you develop, but this is recommended. To the extent possible please create issues for each feature/bug and associate those with a branch/pull request. When you are finished with a feature/bug, please generate a pull request back to `dev`. - When generating a pull request, ensure that you assign either @dvotipka or @zenw00kie as a reviewer. - Pull requests will be rejected if they do not conform to the two PEP standards specify or if they do not contain sufficient detail in the docstrings.