Project Information =================== Wall of Contributors -------------------- * Ronald E. Thompson, Tufts (2023 - pres.) * Daniel Votipka, Tufts (2023 - pres.) * Lisa Dang, Tufts (Summer 2024 - pres.) Alumni ^^^^^^ * Yaejie (Gia) Kwon, Swathmore (Summer 2024) * Esam Nesru, UMBC (Summer 2024) * Christopher Pellegrini, Tufts (Spring 2024) - now at Northeastern * Madison Red, Tufts (Spring 2024) * Richard Zhang, Tufts (Spring 2024) * Mira Jain, Tufts (Spring 2024) * Caroline Chin, Tufts (Spring 2024) Related Research from TSP ------------------------- Ronald E. Thompson, Madison Red, Richard Zhang, Yaejie Kwon, Lisa Dang, Christopher Pellegrini, Esam Nesru, Mira Jain, Caroline Chin and Daniel Votipka. "The Threat Modeling Naturally Tool: An Interactive Tool Supporting More Natural Flexible and Ad-Hoc Threat Modeling. In 10th Workshop on Security Information Workers (WSIW 24), Philadelphia, PA, August 2024. USENIX Association. `Paper `_ Ronald Thompson, Madeline McLaughlin, Carson Powers, and Daniel Votipka. "There are rabbit holes I want to go down that I'm not allowed to go down": An Investigation of Security Expert Threat Modeling Practices for Medical Devices. In 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 24), Philadelphia, PA, August 2024. USENIX Association. `Paper `_